Ms. Edens Science

This website contains online content for 8th Grade Science and will eventually expand to all grade levels.

Geologic Timescale Activity

Now we are going to link what we did with our own timelines to new information about the Geologic Timescale. 

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: 6-8.ESS1.C.1  Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence from rock strata for how the geologic time scale is used to organize Earth’s history.

  • We can create a time scale of our own lives.
  • We can summarize major events in Earth’s history.
  • We can recognize patterns to understand how time is divided on the geologic time scale.

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1) Review the vocabulary above. Look at the graphic organizer below you will use for this activity. Fill in the definition for Geologic Time Scale on the 2nd page using the vocab above. 

2) Click here to open : Earthviewer Interactivity Activity

3) Once it opens, click on View at the bottom. Un-click Cities and Grid. Select Biological Events. 

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4) Click on Ancient Earth in the lower left corner of the screen. 

Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 9.53.34 AM.png

5) Move the silver slider until it rests on the first small green arrow. “Oldest Life” should appear. Click on that. 

Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 9.58.41 AM.png

6) Use the information on the timeline to fill out this graphic organizer: graphic organizerDownload graphic organizer

The first box has been filled out for you as an example. 

Time: Put the ERA in this box. 

Location: This may be EARTH if it is not a specific location. 

Summary: This should be a summary of the information in the box that pops up when you click on the green text. 

7) Continue to move on to the next event.  Find “First Land Plants” and continue to complete the graphic organizer. You will need to click on View again when you move to Mass Extinctions, and Geological Events. 

We will debrief this activity in class.